Amulets to attract money and good luck: principles of operation of the talismans, manufactured by the hands of the charms (runes, money of the tangle, figures of animals, precious stones, a small bag with herbs, horde the amulet, the imperial currency), as well as the objects that attract good luck and money.
28 June 2020
How to attract the flow of cash into your life with the help of the correct pet and how to load the effective implementation of work.
19 October 2018
Even pragmatic person we tend to believe in the mystical ability of some articles to attract the luck and to attract money
20 August 2018
Happy coin-the amulet of the good luck and the money of tamara Globa.
17 August 2018
They say that you can with your own hands and without any magic from the experience of doing a charm for the money and good luck. That is needed for that amparo was strong and effective? It is important to perform the ritual and believe in the power of magic.
13 August 2018
In our time, people are increasingly turning to the magic. Each one has its own reason: remove the evil eye and spoilage, the attraction of good luck, wealth, the desire to ascend, to attract financial success.
10 August 2018
As do the guardian, the amulet or talisman by the hands of different materials, as well as cleaning or loading
3 August 2018