Create a talisman for ourselves and for the other person. This object may not be transferred to third parties. Amulet that brings good luck to its owner. If it is lost, stolen, given away or broken, the action of the forces has ceased.
Before dealing with the manufacturing, you must understand, that the difference of these magic items:
- the amulet performs two functions: it protects the master of the loss and brings you good luck;
- guardian performs the function of protection of the health of the person and his address;
- the pet is able to reinforce some of the traits of character, which allows its owner to achieve success in the affairs that brings happiness and peace.
If you are going to deal with the manufacturing of charm, or apotropaic, read the general rules and recommendations:
- Talismans and amulets can be manufactured as for me personally, and for the other person. Forcing someone to do for you amparo is inadmissible. The chores of people only by his own will.
- If the pet is to the other, in the process of work must be constantly thinking about this man. Thoughts must be clear and positive. Only investing a little bit of soul in a magic object, you will be able to make the amulet, which really is going to work, and bring them to the owner only the good.
- For the manufacture of choose a better time, when the moon is in the growth stage. This period is excellent for any type of business.
- It is necessary to work in a quiet environment. You should be relaxed, no one or nothing should distract.
- If you do talisman for, after the work is done wrap it in fabric and in the night, place it under your pillow. Thanks to this, the relationship between the unconscious and the amulet will be used for.
- About what you do to the least of the pet, preferably not to tell anyone. Carry it always with you and hide it from prying eyes.
Following these simple rules, you get to manufacture effective and works with the amulet.
Wide popular of the lucky charms, for the year in course. For example, in the year of the Dog prefer to manufacture from a variety of materials figures of dogs, and in the year of the Rooster — in the males.

The materials that are used for the creation of talismans
Magical objects that bring good luck and happiness, to protect them from the bad influence made of different materials:
- the stone;
- of a tree.
- of metal;
- of the skin;
- the fabric;
- thread;
- the skin, etc
The symbol can be drawn on paper or in a dense cardboard, and, if you want to embroider.
When the selection of the material that activates the imagination. It is important, for that is pleasant to the touch, and he liked it, causing only positive emotions.
A strong guard under thread
Today many can be seen on the left wrist a scarlet thread, and serve as a protection against the evil eye. The thread must be of natural material (often use wool).
The first of the celebrities to use the red thread on the wrist of the left hand, it was madonna. This happened after that has been fond of esoteric teachings of the kabbalah. In accordance with the faith, make a knot under the hand can only be loved, intentions and understanding of the essence of the ritual.
The ancient slavs with a common thread that has been linked a little bit of another ritual. Its accounted for in the wrist of the right hand. This can be done is for himself, and the main thing is the tie attached to seven knots. This has kept involved in the life of its owner money and good luck.
If the security thread is broke, not worth the bother. According to the legend, it could happen a great misfortune, but to "defend" what took you.
For the creation of the pet can be used not only a scarlet thread, but the threads of other colors. Of them can by their own hand knit bracelet. It is important to choose the tone. When selected plays the role objective:
- red protects from the evil eye, which gives to the possessor of energy and vitality;
- white defends the conflict, the evil thoughts, helps to build a harmonious relationship;
- blue is responsible for the inspiration, help to develop the lateral thinking and hidden talents, so it is ideal for creative individuals;
- yellow — the color of the sun, helps to achieve the happiness of the family, improve your health, expand your knowledge;
- orange makes a lovely person, sociable and confident in their strengths, helps them to reach great heights;
- pink is the color of romance and tender love; and with whom you build strong relationships in which there is jealousy, and the breakage of the passion;
- violet inspires and develops the creativity;
- green protects against envy and the situations of conflict, improving the well-being;
- blue will be useful for those who want to find and develop spiritual abilities;
- brown helps to develop perseverance and achieve the proposed objectives, it is the symbol of diligence;
- black develops the balance and peace of mind, will help you to earn the respect of others.
Yarn for knitting, select only natural. If the yarn is thin, fold in several times. If you are using a single color, the easiest way of manufacture of apotropaic will be based in the little brooks seven knots. If it is applied several shades, you can knit the braids or some kind of magic of the wrist.
Broken of the pet thread, you need to burn. Until it burns, mind and thanking it for its protection and assistance.
The mascot of the burlap
Magic of the trinket, which will protect you and your loved ones from impure forces, or cruel people, can be made of burlap. Popular apotropaic of this material became on the wrist "Domovonok". The size of the craftsmanship of optional form.

Instructions production
- To start making the bag. All seams must be good. Remove the front part.
- Now you must do hand in hand. To do this, you can take the thread or ribbon, woven braids. In the place where they should be handled with care to make the holes and insert the braid through them. Now the hand is necessary to align and set.
- Fill up the pouch of various herbs or other padding. When the bag goes full, abseiling, your refreshment.
- You can proceed to the manufacturing of the hair. They do so from the herbarium of the wrist or the string. Hold the hair at the crown of the head using the thermal gun.
- Do not forget domovonku the peak and the lips and the eyebrows and the beard. The eyes of the doll can be purchased at the store or make with your hands.
- Of the leaves of corn be to build domovoy canvas shoes.
Do not forget to sew domovoy the clothes and the hat, and to the economy of several of the sacks.
Magic of the craftsmanship of the dough with the salt
The ancient slavs made amulets of the luck of salty test. Making this craft is not difficult, even for the beginner:
- Take the flour and the salt in a proportion of 2:1. Adding a little water, knead the dough elastic.
- Let the test a little walk. After this, you can model him amulet. The popular figures of animals, horseshoe or angels.
- When the cover is ready, put in 3 hours in the oven, previously heated to 70 degrees.
- Remove the craft, let it cool for a couple of hours, and then colorizes the gouache.
The amulets of wood
The amulets of wood are part of the culture of the ancient slavs. For the creation of magical items you can use trees of different species:
- the birch is known for its healing properties, in the past, canvas shoes of its bark, with the belief that it will help you to get rid of rheumatism; when you create a used not only wood, but leaves, buds, the root;
- the oak is different a powerful energy, lucky charms, made in it, laid in the cradle of the newborn children, it is believed that this will help them to grow up full of strength and health;
- alder helps to strengthen the power of the spirit, to get rid of negative thoughts, learn to take the right decisions; the couple under alders protects you from betrayal;
- hazel symbolizes fertility and favours the multiplication of the capital;
- the rowan protects against the impure forces, before his planted near the housing, and adorned with fruits hanging in the house.
For the pet you should choose a healthy of a tree.
Manual production of charm:
- Mentally, ask your tree of the resolution to take a sprig. When you leave, leave them near him of the coin, the bread or a bit of cereal.
- Bringing a branch of the house, leave it in a couple of weeks, to which she had become accustomed to her house and absorbed her energy.
- Cut the lines of the branch of a circle, a part of which a knife or scalpel to cut the desired character.
- Make a hole through which may pass the cord or strong thread.
- To protect the wooden floor talisman against the dust and dirt on its surface, apply warmed wax of bees or barnicen.
Optional to put symbols on the amulets of wood. They work and without carvings on them characters.
Talismans magic of beresty
Of the birch bark in the ancient times were under the protection of sharkunok for the children, for its shape resembling a rattle. When the vibrations emitted sounds, which attracted the attention of the children and it was indescribable joy. Also gave to the children in the period of that leave of the teeth. In the manufacture of sharkunok is not used queue.
To create apotropaic optional to remove the bark of a live tree, you can use berestoy of firewood.

- Material needs to be heated which will give you the elasticity.
- The bark is cut into strips, with two sides try vegetable oil, for beresta become easy to use.
- Make six of the same size strips.
- In the upper part and the lower part of the part strips bend-1 cm, which was then the clasp.
- The six parties meet together.
- For that the toy is not dissolved, sharkunok should be cooked in boiling water 5 minutes. Prior to this, and to associate the thread, that must be removed after cooling.
- Through the night, when the toy-ward will dry out, it should straighten its edges, and take the inside of the grains.
To create apotropaic it is necessary to take berestu medium thickness. Is too thin or thick crust is not adequate.
The talismans of the skin
From a very old skin, skin, bones, tusks, and claws of animal are used for the creation of amulets. If the house has been piece of skin, then you can make it a beautiful guardian "Domovonok":
- Cut a small circle of a diameter of 8-10 cm from the Edge of the process.
- On the inside, place a small piece of foam and sew.
- In the specialized shops of the purchase of the eyes and the tail.
- As the spout use the account.
- If you want, you can make the tab.
- From this same skins we make in the foot. We make strips of 1,5h4, see Take the cord, in the interior of each of the legs we went through one of its parts, and make sure the glue "Moment".
- In the upper part of the strap do the loop, so the pet can be hung.
- We do the leg and the cord on the wrong side of the Domovonok.
The mascot of the skin can be performed not only at home but in the car.
Amulets of natural skin
The skin of different animals are highly demanded in the manufacture of amulets. It can be done:
- lucky charms to wear on the neck;
- bracelets;
- straps;
- the sheath etc
In the leather surface by the method of stamping or pressing is transferred to the desired character. The edge of the apotropaic carefully processed, and in the upper part makes the hole for the cord. Look like talismans nice and elegant.
Porcupine quills in the magic
Of the needles of a porcupine also manufacture a variety of lucky charms. It is believed that help you protect yourself from the actions of other people, teach you to enjoy life, despite the adversities and problems, in addition to being much more happy.
Of the needles of a porcupine-you can make these amulets:
- collar;
- pending;
- "the fisherman of dreams".
The women made of this natural material of love charms, wrapping the needle in the fabric and placing it under the pillow of the beloved.

Under the rings
The rings not only serve as decoration for the fingers, which can be done under cover. To do this, it is better to buy a new product, on the inner part of which you want to apply the indication. The phrase for the engraving in the ring you choose at its sole discretion.
In ancient times, children were given two names: one was known by the others, the second secret. Secret the name of the baby was baptized. This helped to divert the corruption and the curse. Often parents teach their children of protection rings, in the interior of which it is registered a second name.
Talismans of death, the intoxication, of the prison and in the path of his hands,
In life are often produced unexpected situations. Therefore, you must advance the need for the protection and the protection of their loved ones. Saves, made with their own hands, in the best way possible the celebration of this task.