author Rosa

The name of:


  • How to make a powerful amulet from beads and beads? Magic of colors and pearls. The most powerful amulets for good luck.
    16 August 2022
  • What are the talismans that bring prosperity? Big and small lucky charm: how to make it yourself and how to charge it.
    30 November 2020
  • What and how to make a talisman for good luck and well-being with your own hands? The essence of amulets, characteristics and rules for their creation, energy recharge. Talismans for the sign of the zodiac.
    5 November 2020
  • How to make a talisman for good luck and prosperity from a simple female jewelry: methods and recommendations.
    30 September 2020
  • Strong money amulets will help to overcome the difficulties, to find solutions. The magic of the guardian of the material well-being, you will always be able to find a source of income without harm to themselves, their loved ones and without harming other people.
    24 July 2018
  • Strong money amulets will help to overcome the difficulties, to find solutions. The magic of the guardian of the material well-being, you will always be able to find a source of income without harm to themselves, their loved ones and without harming other people.
    24 July 2018