author Giovanni Cogo

The name of:
Giovanni Cogo


  • Summary of homemade amulets to attract money and well-being.
    29 August 2022
  • An imperial amulet for good luck and wealth is created by your own hands or by a professional magician with the name of a specific person to change your life. How to make an imperial amulet with your own hands and how does it work? How to increase the effectiveness of a talisman? Answers in the article.
    10 August 2021
  • A drug designed to increase the tone of veins of small caliber, the improvement of lymphatic drainage and venous blood flow
    14 September 2018
  • Magical charms of well-being and success have the power of positive impact. The magic of the guardian of the material well-being, you will always be able to find a source of income without harm to themselves, their loved ones and without harming other people. On this will be covered in this article.
    9 September 2018
  • The pet (or amulet, amulet) is called the subject that makes magical the impact of their owner or certain energy of the space.
    17 August 2018
  • The amulet of luck are almost every successful person, and it is not the only one. This pet can do with his hands or buy. The power of magic you can have anything.
    9 August 2018
  • The money is never too much, especially in a time of political instability and financial crisis. You want to improve your economic situation? In this case, his trusted assistant will be Ordynsky amulet \
    8 August 2018