Financial well-being and luck are one of the main ingredients for a carefree life. Many people use various charms to enrich and attract fortune. Consider what the imperial amulet is, where it came from, how to use it correctly.
The story of the appearance of a money talisman in the form of a coin

The imperial amulet dates back to as far back as 1689. The reigning king was afraid of being betrayed by his sister, so he often prayed in the monastery. One of his servants was imbued with the problem, decided to make a talisman for him. It was a coin that he prayed for all night.
According to historical records, the wicked were defeated and the sister was placed under strict surveillance in one of the convents.
Each member of the famous dynasty also had their own amulet locket, which was later called Imperial. Such amulets were made for them by priests. However, with the change of power, all the servants of the monastery were forced to flee, so the secret of making the amulet was lost.
Done!To date, the prayer that charged the amulet for success has been restored. Buy the imperial amulet not only from the descendants of the dynasty, but also from everyone.
The original imperial amulet, loaded with wealth and luck, is a normal coin. Represents several:
- monograms;
- animals;
- lines;
- numbers.
There may be a hole in the center that allows the necklace to be worn, although it is often carried in a pocket.
The imperial amulet is made from ancient coins. The diameter is standard, like a normal coin.
The color of the coin charm is irrelevant. The metal depends on the welfare of the owner. The magical properties are due to the protective prayer, the material does not really matter.
What magical properties does the imperial amulet have?

Filled with the energy of prayer, the Imperial Amulet has the following magical properties:
- increases the owner's income;
- promotes rapid career advancement or helps you find profitable work;
- helps you win the lottery;
- the debtors are completely liquidated;
- there is the possibility of unexpected income: inheritance, expensive gifts;
- develops business;
- protects from ruin and poverty.
How do they do it?
It is necessary to approach the purchase of a talisman responsibly. Here are some helpful tips:
- the imperial coin must be old, better than the time of the king's reign, but other copies are also suitable;
- before buying, you should read reviews about the organization that sells such charm;
- if possible, it is better to search for information on the origin of the relic;
- Modern coins can also be used, but they have much less magic power.
This is important to know!The older the coin, the more powerful the talisman.
You can also make the imperial amulet with your own hands. Only for this you need to gain strength and patience:
- Find any old coin, best from the time of the king's reign.
- Better to make an amulet for wealth and luck on Sunday morning.
- Create positive energy: light candles, play quiet music.
- Find a suitable container to store the talisman.
- Wrap a red ribbon in the shape of a cross around the coin twice.
- On a full moon, place an amulet on a piece of red cloth so that the moonlight falls on it.
How to correctly load a real coin?

- An experienced wizard or monk should charge the amulet first. Say a prayer over the coin, saying the name of the owner.
- After that, the amulet should be placed under the pillow overnight. In the morning you can already use it.
However, over time, the Imperial Amulet may lose its magical properties. Then it must be cleared of negative energy and recharged. Process:
- put salt or rinse under running water; This will help to remove the negative from the coin;
- amulet activation: light a candle on a makeshift altar;
- hold a coin over the fire while pronouncing holy words, the main thing is to focus on the positive, be in a good mood;
- after the ceremony, let the candle go out;
- put the amulet under the pillow, in the morning you can use it.
How to apply correctly?
For the Imperial Amulet to function in full force, you must adhere to the following rules:
- don't show the coin to strangers, don't even talk about it;
- if the owner wears an amulet around his neck, it must be hidden under clothing;
- do not allow strangers to touch the coin by accident;
- you can inherit the talisman, but first you must cleanse it of its own energy;
- should regularly talk to the amulet, thank him for his help.
The imperial amulet is a good helper in bringing financial prosperity and good luck to life. However, it should not be forgotten that the enchanted coin is not a magic wand. She will help only hard-working and determined people, will help in all endeavors.