The amulet of the good luck and the money it attracts in the owner's lifetime of success in all areas of life. As the apotropaic come close small objects, the most important thing, so that they are correctly loaded.
How to use amulets and talismans to attract money and good luck
Talismans have many useful properties:
- You know how to draw in a person's life, of money from various sources.
- Are able to program the subconscious of the owner to obtain money.
- Created around the person of the aura of attraction of the bank notes.
- Protect all the media of theft.
- Prevent the unnecessary buying and spending.
- Offer the opportunity to earn even more.
- Protect the sources of income and protect you from the loss.
- Take the housing of the effective energy.
- Provide a continuous stable flow of money.
- Help to win in the lottery.
How to make lucky charms in the portfolio of their hands
To make amulets of luck, it is not necessary to resort to black magic. Cash you save you can do yourself at home.
The horde amulet

The horde amulet is the currency that bandaged rope on the cross. It is considered that this has saved help to protect the wearer against the poverty and the ruin, in addition to attract to your life expansion of money. The distinctive property apotropaic is the protection of the evil, because of that, humans began the financial problems.
To make an amulet, should The horde of the currency. If there is a possibility to buy, you can pick up on any street, but not at the crossing. Lifting with the land must be words "luck and happiness" and not to show to anyone.
It becomes a lucky charm in the rising of the moon, preferably in the environment.
A few days before the ritual can not consider to the delivery. You will need to prepare 3 candles green and the lace of black color. At midnight we lit all the candles and, holding a coin in your left hand, pronounce the conspiracy: "In my hand a coin I keep it. As it is now, at his side, and the wealth will always be close. To attract her, you call, give the other the money. I'm going to live now, always in luxury and wealth."
After reading the conspiracy you should of the palette of the currency of the cross. In the morning he wears an amulet in the neck.
Found the coin
Any found on the street of currency can serve as a powerful magnet for money. To do this, you must perform the rite. In the rising of the moon at midnight light a candle and read of the conspiracy: "talk, Talk, luck I attract. Everything else yes, it will come. My strong words, the company company company company a true, fire-consecrated by the faith, which is further reinforced. Casually found will be my and it will be the beginning of a great money". After reading the spell has to ğsemántica the burn of the candle, after this currency allows you to put in your wallet.
Decorative mouse

With the purpose of attracting to your life the more effective, it is necessary to acquire fyke mouse. Can be wood or metal. After the purchase of the mouse you should read the conspiracy: "the little Mouse, check, money go". The shelter will help to protect the portfolio from theft and climbing up the ladder.
Jinxed dollar
For the bank note became the currency of the pet, you will need a ticket of $ 1 dollar. You can do it has been saved in the portfolio in two ways.
The first method of the consists of the of the in the money put it in an unusual way and then arrange it in the portfolio. To be able to sum the dollar, you have to perform the following steps:
- The ticket of bank of the half of the sum. The portrait of the president, should be on the outside.
- In the upper left corner of the banknote bend it so that it lay in the central part of the band.
- In the same way, it must be doubled in the bottom corner of the left.
- The right side of the bend in the diagonal. The image of the pyramid must be at the top.
- In the resulting triangle to promote the rest of the angle of the banknotes.
The dollar fixed in the purse and always carry with you.
The ticket of 1 dollar, you can simply begin to speak. To do this you need to:
- green and the church of the sail;
- cinnamon ground.
Exactly in the midnight must turn on all the candles, and in a few minutes represent, as the number of dollars that grows in the portfolio. About bill lee of the conspiracy: "I have all of the dollars that are needed for the realization of our desires. I am prosperous, I am rich. So be it". After reading the spells ticket fixed in the portfolio so that it independently from other money. Jinxed dollar you can take out and show to other people.
Imperial pet of any currency

For the manufacture of imperial of the pet, it is necessary to develop the following attributes:
- the currency of any value;
- the candle of the church;
- cotton red material.
At exactly midnight on the rising of the moon, a candle is lit. Orogami, you should tune in favour of the wave, and then, holding a coin in the right hand, to represent, as the wealth and the money firmly come into life. After this coin is placed on the cloth, and continues to be, to be all night over the light of the moon. The next day, she wraps the piece of skin and clean under the pillow. The amulet will start to work through the week.
The silver spoon
Thumbnail of silver from the spoon helps to attract money. Also known as "spoon-Zagrebacka". As you begin to talk about this spoon, so you are going to rake in the money. To activate it, you need to read the conspiracy: "Charges, lives in my portfolio, reel the money to him. I'm with you friendship, happiness and wealth of the draw". For the amulet worked, to clean it several times a year. To do this, it will be necessary to lower the spoon the whole night in a vessel of salt water into holy water. In the morning Zagrebacka washed with clean water and re-clean the portfolio.
The money of the key
A magnet for money can be a metal of the key. To recharge the battery in monetary energy, you will need to purchase a new key lock and hide all night in the safety deposit box. If the safe is not, the attributes can be deleted in any other place where it stores the money. In the morning, the key is allowed to take and hide in the portfolio. The castle remains to be in the same place. From this moment finance to attract from different sources.
The money amulet shaman

Shaman's amulet is a pendant made of wicker, which can be activated only by the shaman with the help of the ancient rites. This pet in the shortest possible time will help the owner to receive the inheritance, winning a large sum of money in the lottery or to obtain paid work. All fundings shall accrue to the man easily and without effort.
The Pentacle Of Solomon
This amulet represents two sides of the same coin, of the print head. Can be made of metal or clay. It is considered that this pet is able to bring to the life of a successful man, to help in the development of a business and avoid losing trades.
The amulet should be cleaned at least once a month, to remove from it the negative energy. To do this just parisian parisian with wash with clean water and replace in the neck.
Talisman Altai of the monks
This talisman is a currency that hablart Altai monks. She is a powerful amulet and is able to help the person deal with depression, anger, attract good luck and stable high income.
The amulet you can't show anyone, and transmit. It should be kept in an isolated place of the house, where no one sees it. For that the umbrella didn't lose his power for a long time, he must be treated with respect, speak with him and thank him for the abundance.
The amulet for the money and good luck
This talisman is a currency, which is represented by the muslim of the wrist. It is considered that the amulet that protects against damage and the evil eye, and attracts wealth in the life of the owner. Carry is allowed only to muslims.
How to make amulets for storage in the home
For that in-house has been established and the aura of well-being and prosperity, manufactured amulets home.
The miracle of the bag
For the manufacture of this amulet you will need:
- the red fabric.
- coins different advantages;
- the oil of eucalyptus;
- the red thread.
Red lapel, you must first sew a small bag. In each coin is deposited a little bit of oil. When the bag is full of coins, then with your red silk wool. Talisman arranged in a dark place in the house. You can take it out once a week, to recharge, cash energy.
The encryption System of ticket
This protection is personal, the pet of the person. It is desirable to choose a ticket of a dollar, the number or the number that will partially coincide with the date of birth of the holder.
To encrypt the ticket, you will need:
- ticket of large nominal value;
- green thread;
- oil of bergamot;
- the sage;
- the green of the candle.
In the money is first deposited a little oil of bergamot. When the oil dries up, the ticket out in the tube and then with green thread, make sure to make 3 host. After this, the inside of the pipes put to the branch of sage. The amulet of the sealed with wax melted from the candles. The pet must be stored in a dark place in the house, not what you can pull out and show to the outsiders.
Interior amulets and feng shui to attract money
Lucky charms Feng Shui can bring or store in the apartment. Bring to the owner of the desired image, attract good luck and good fortune.
Three-toed toad
Three-toed toad with a coin in the mouth is a links of the buttons of wealth and prosperity.

When the purchase of this amulet is necessary to take into account some requirements:
- It is desirable that the frog was made of jade.
- For pet actively attracted Russian language of energy, the toad should be coliseum coliseum covered in gold.
- Currency should be located at the mouth of the characters of up and free to leave.
- The eyes of the amulet must be made of red stone.
- In the back of the toad should be the figure of the constellation.
To ward woke up, his placed in the aquarium. It allows you to periodically sprinkle toad water, but the effect will be weak. The amulet should be next to the door, back to her. You must not remove the toad in the top shelf, because they do not suffer from height.
Cord in the hand
Cord in the hand can work colourful. It is best to use wool threads. For the manufacture of cord you will need to wire yellow, red and green shades. The color red attracts love, the green light that the financial well-being, the yellow color of the health. The bracelet must weave a night of full moon, when visualizing your desire. After the completion of the ritual of the fabric under, put in the sugar sugar the left arm or leg.
Khotey is the god of abundance, his statue made of different materials: clay, stone, wood. The material does not affect the action of the amulet.
The house has come to the well-being and wealth, and the statuette go hand in hand through the belly of 350 times.
Hotea installed in any part of the house, preferably near the entrance. Before leaving the housing, the statuette passed the hand on the belly several times. If you respect these rules, the amulet will work in full force and effect.
The stones that attract money and good luck
The stone is a material that attracts in human life, luck and success. Stone amulets comfortable that you can carry or make them an ornament.
Rodonita is a mineral, which is present in the manganese. It has the following properties:

- It helps to have a high stable income.
- It can be used by all people, regardless of sex and age.
- You may awaken in the man the leadership, inclinations, which will help you to build a business.
- Will the owner of the popular, what will glorify.
- Fills the body of energy and strength.
- Specify the correct path.
Jade is semi-precious mineral, which is difficult to break. He may have a different coloration from white to dark green. This stone has several properties:
- Brings man out of a state of poverty.
- You can attract the desired amount.
- Strengthens the physical health and immunity.
- Helps pregnant women to make a healthy baby.
Not recommended to wear this stone for more than 5 hours.
The beryl
The beryl is a semiprecious stone, which dissolves in the acid. Has a color from yellow to dark green color.
The magical properties of the stone:
- Protects the home from evil, envious people.
- It helps the owner to be more lucky and fortunate.
- In combination with the gold of the stone acquires greater force that attracts the luxury.
- Strengthens the kinship and friendship ties.
- Influences positively on the health of men.
How to make amulets of plants
To make the amulet of the plants should place them in a bag — because all the energy is focused in a single place.
The herbs and plants that attract good luck and wealth:
- dill — symbolizes the abundance and the passion, it helps the person to become a hollow in the summit of success;
- the carnation — attracts major awards;
- thyme — are added to foods to appeal to the house of money;
- basil — protects the house from misfortune, attracts good luck and love;
- ginger — in combination with the spells you can cast out the evil spirits;
- chamomile — flowers white to help you get the money of a loving human;
- verbena — a cure for insomnia, strengthens the health;
- peony — it has to grow expansion of large flowers, and then the wealth is not going to ğsemántica;
- orchid — helps to achieve a high position;
- oats — active cash flow of the projects.
Slavic under the cinnamon, ginger, eucalyptus and pine pine
To make the protection of yourself, you will need:
- branch of pine;
- the eucalyptus;
- the root of ginger;
- cinnamon;
- the bag;
- wool yarn color green.
All the herbs must be istoloch and to place in the canvas of the bag. During strong should represent around of abundance and luxury. The bag is knotted the thread and pulled back in a visible place in the house.
Under cover of the black pepper
Amparo, with the black pepper is a one-time to close the deal or increase the odds of winning the lottery.
For a ritual you will need:
- a sheet of white paper;
- the good glass;
- freshly ground pepper.
There is that ğsemántica to the full moon, and leave the glass of recharge during the night the light of the moon. The next day, in the paper to write the amount that you need. Sheet out the puff pastry and fall in a jar. Up pour black pepper. The cover must hide in a dark place. Before an important event the vessel must move, at this time begin to act.
How to make runic pets in the home
If you examine the value of the runes, you can create a powerful talisman to attracting the life of abundance.

Talisman under the name of "Mill" only helps the working people. Those lazy, no assistance is provided.
To make an amulet, you will have all the piece of wood.
In he-burning 4 runes:
- Ch — help the owner to pay our debts;
- Z — symbolizes abundance;
- N — increases the gain, no matter what the issue is will people;
- F — rune Fehu, and thanks to her the life is happy stripe.
After the shelter of fact, you should always bring.
Three runes Fehu
Rune Fehu is a links of the buttons in the form of the letter F, is centered on the god of fertility and wealth. To make this amulet, you must draw the 3 letter F of the box of wood or stone taco. Triple image rune reinforces the effect apotropaic.
The formula to attract good luck
The formula to attract wealth and it must be written on the pendant that a person can always carry on the neck.
The meaning of the symbols of success:
- Anzuc — the wisdom, the knowledge, the inspiration;
- Uruz — objectives, opportunities, the fulfillment of desires;
- Dagaz — the success, abundance;
- Eihwaz support, assistance, protection;
- Othila — the destination of the income, the time;
- Jera is the luck, the fortune, the grace;
- Tiwaz — the spirituality, the struggle, the war;
- Sowelu — the victory, the wisdom;
- Fehu — wealth, income, money, abundance.
For the formula to bring prosperity, it should compose correctly. Examples of formulas:
- Fehu — Othila — Jera — helps to increase the already existing wealth.
- Othila — Tiwaz — Uruz — Sowelu — the development and prosperity of a business, regardless of the competition.
- Fehu — Tiwaz — Othila — the emergence of new sources of income.
- Anzuc — Eihwaz — Sowelu — the continuity of the attraction of money.
Lucky charms to attract money from the signs of the zodiac

Correct talisman that works continuously, one of the most effective amulets are those created by the birth date and, depending on the sign of the zodiac:
- On the Ram protects the planet mars, so that adapt talismans, related to the war and weapons.
- The calves always worried about your status, therefore, the statuette in the form of a bull gives to the holder of the wisdom and the power.
- The twins are subject to mercury, so that the performance benefit of the pet in the form of a monkey.
- With the amulet in the shape of a heart, the Cancer becomes soft and pleasant, he will always succeed.
- Lion you must have an amulet in the form of a majestic animal, made of noble metal.
- The virgin — the wise and the developed countries, so you need a links of the buttons of the owl.
- The pastime is a favorite of Pesos — reading. As a pet can bring in their favorite book.
- All the Scorpions, who aspire to become rich, you should hang on the neck a pendant in the shape of (beetle).
- Archers are similar to centaurs, they are able to fight for their dreams. Amparo, in the form of this being will help them to achieve this.
- The black cat of Capricorn will be the most effective for the pet in your life.
- Those born under the sign of aquarius must be in possession of an amulet in the form of insects cars flying or articles.
- Everything associated with the water element, it will be for the Fish pet.
By the way, the color and the links of the buttons of the brand can create a powerful amulet for attracting success and abundance. If the creation of apotropaic of their hands, it is not possible, it allows you to purchase figures that symbolize the sign zodiacal of the person.
What properties must have the amulet for each sign of the zodiac, can be seen in the following table:
The zodiac | The form of | The color | The links of the buttons of the | The stone | The statuette |
Aries | square | gold | weapons | hematite | the ram |
Taurus | the animal | green | the elephant | the turquoise | the bull |
The twins | the abstraction | blue | the key | the amethyst | the monkey |
The cancer | the circle | silver | heart | pearls | the turtle |
Lion | the star | black | the star | by heliodoro | lion |
Virgo | the cube | violet | the bird | jade | the owl |
Scale | heart | turquoise | the book | ruby | the otter |
Scorpio | the triangle | burgundy | the bullet | the jasper | the beetle |
Sagittarius | horseshoe | blue | spoon | larimar | the centaur |
Capricorn | the oval | of the earth | the cat | ruby | the goat |
Aquarium | zigzag | violet | angel | imitation | butterfly |
The fish | the shell | magenta | the fish | lapis lazuli | the ship |
What items can attract money ritual and the activation of
There are several objects, able to attract wealth without the use of the conspiracy.
The clover leaf

Clover of four petals, rarely, but if a man finds it, then very soon your longing into reality.
Each leaf has a different meaning.
- the first symbolizes the hope and belongs to the fire element;
- the second one means good luck and success;
- the third — the character of strong will in love;
- fourth, the prosperity, the health.
Clover can bring good luck in different ways:
- The success in the affairs accompany you, if you put the plant in the footwear.
- So the money was always carried in the wallet, on it is placed dry in the clover.
- Removed from the peace of the voltage, if its wrapped in blue fabric and carry.
- It's going to haunt you envious of the housing, if you hang the flower on the frame above the entrance door.
- The two lovers must eat the petals, to be tied forever to one another.
To appeal to the house of material resources, to the hanging horse horseshoe on the entrance door. A horseshoe should be hung points up. You can buy a small horseshoe of clay or wood, and always carry the effect would be the same.
Jade is a plant which is called "the tree of happiness". That brings the wealth, if you should be planted by itself.
The algorithm of actions during the landing:
- Acquire a clay pot of medium size.
- The pot should be washed with holy water and immediately fall asleep in it the earth.
- On the floor put a few coins of the same value.
- Plant a tree.
If we place moneytree with their own hands, and not to buy, jade will always work and attract monetary of the energy in the house.
Mint leaves
The mint is able to attract banknotes of large denomination. To do this, a small leaf of a plant pull out and dried, and then fixed in the portfolio. With the time, the money turns into something more.
Ancient coins
Old coins, they don't even have value, they are able to increase the capital. To do this, you'll have to always carry in the portfolio.