Since ancient times, people believed in magic, calling upon the help of a higher power and magic, lucky charms. No matter what you believe these small things, and how they look, what is more important — how they work in benefit of the owner.

You can buy already made of the pet, and can be done on your own with your own hands. Personal amulets home generally perform better, more efficient and accurate, since when you create the settings made directly by the owner, well sensitive, to what god wants of the magic of things.
Why improvised charms of the best parts of purchase?
Make an amulet for good luck and easy money. You can choose a lot of different options depending on the materials, the preferences of the owner and their capabilities.
Artifacts, talismans are generally more strong pieces of purchase, as they are under a specific objective, and with the clear intention of the same, in principle, close to the owner.
General rules for working with amulets
For any magic thing to work properly, it is necessary to believe in it and treat it with respect. In particular, and not speak disparagingly or amulets as such, nor on the scope of impact: luck, money, or the activities in them.
Lucky charms, except for a few rare exceptions, always carry. Never give into the wrong hands, not to disclose to third parties, that is. It is desirable to protect the guardian of the person of the vision. The result of the influence and must not be disclosed, and the exact amount of income the better off the family not to speak once more.
Lucky charms, not dare. It can be done under cover of a loved one, but then trifle made immediately to a specific individual. Another option is to go through the heritage of your child or student, but this option implies that the amulet is not needed anymore, since it got out.
When the pet works, thanks for the help. Each time you receive the benefit and visible sign of good luck. If the amulet lives in the portfolio, it is desirable that the wallet was never empty, except for a few minutes, the necessary for the putting in he order.
It is not necessary to be limited to one pet. You can make several and put them in a beautiful bag that they will strengthen each other. You can combine charms of different actions that attract prosperity in the home and in the hand of each person.
The rules of the acquisition of components

To do with their hands on efficient pet, you must first prepare the material. You can buy or find. It is desirable to follow the common magic rules:
- You can not count, to which the item is purchased, it is not even worth mentioning about this.
- To buy it is necessary, without negotiation and without paying the deposit, preferably in cash.
- If you have to buy a lot (around the entanglement, the set of the sails, a large piece of fabric), the rest can not be used in the home needs.
- And in his search, and when buying it is advisable to go for components for the pet in silence, not to meet the eyes of the people and not to think of them, the same should return.
- What has been purchased, and is not, it is advisable to clean. Depending on the material, this can be done with the help of a jet of water, fire (to try to pass over a candle burning, the scent of smoke, salt and sprinkle with exterriti).
- If possible, it is best to devote himself to the acquisition of components for pets in the well-being and good luck in that day, when the luck visible and the money.
- You can take the components of the pet in the gift of a rich and successful person.
The church
Unfortunately, the christian church in general does not approve of the magic, taking into account their sin issue.A believer does not depend on creating an amulet with their hands, and acquire the image of the saint, submittens of the activity, and access to requests for assistance.
Magical amulets, attract good luck and wealth, are quite varied. Each one can choose the choice of your taste.
Before you make a talisman, the need to define their tasks. If you must attract prosperity in the home or make a good profit only to their owner. The owner must determine what is considered wealth. All of this needs to be written to the machine in the protection of his creation.
The magic of wax
To create this type of pet, you will need candle wax, a piece of cloth and not too much time.
The candle should buy wax, not paraffin, and does not gel. If there is a possibility — not the church and not blessed. The size should be such that it can be without problems, wait until it is completely burned.

The fabric it is desirable to take a dense and such, for that he liked the owner. The matter can be monotonous, red, yellow-gold or green, or with the pattern associated with good luck and wealth. It is a piece of new tissue, a fragment or a favorite of the amet of the clothing.
Best of all, the ritual of the load of the ball of wax and spend the night in the waxing of the moon. It is desirable to ensure that in the process no one could disturb magician, turn off your phone and desktop notifications.
Exactly at midnight light a candle and settle in the area, with which then it will be easy to remove the frame from the wax. Normal ceramic dish well, and here is the slot of the screw candelabra will create the complexity.
In the flame of a candle whisper a wish that the pet must attract and repel, fortunately needs of the owner and what they are afraid of, the type of property you need. Continue the ritual until the candle is not ardet ex. If you say nothing, you can only see in the flame, and dream.
When the rest of the candle wax has cooled, carefully remove and wrap in a cloth, you can tie or clamp several sutures. Obtained talisman you carry in your purse or consui adequate teddy bears.
Magic coin
For this purpose, you can take any currency, but it is more efficient to work on some special - encountered or received at special a good unusual moment, with the year of release that coincides with the year of birth of the holder, or just simply old.
This currency must always carry, in the portfolio, or as a talisman. If the storage location of the selected currency portfolio, it would be good to be careful, to not pass by mistake.
Load a coin on the full moon. It is necessary to put it in the dish or cup with water and put in the window so that the rays of the moon fell in the water, transmitting the energy of the moon mascot. As the moon attracts the water during the tides and the coin will be attracting money.
Interesting species — at-home currency. You can cut wood, blinds of fabrilis of clay, out of appropriate alloy or even draw on a piece of cardboard. Loaded these pets in accordance with the properties of the material. So, in the clay, you can add a little honey and cinnamon, tree of impressing the wax and cardboard paste sequins. The goal is clear-to indicate that it is wealth.
The braid thread
For this amulet you need three wires: red is the symbol of the strength of desire, blue as a guarantee of compliance, and the green as an indication of wealth and prosperity.

In the rising of the moon the threads must weave the braid, to concentrate on a given desire. This can be lucky in a particular case, or the obtaining of sufficient funds in the purchase of a certain things. It is important that the desire was to know the specific, so that we can say clearly that it has already been fulfilled. Well represent emotionally intense picture of his execution, read aloud.
When the braid of the list, its knotted around the ankle of the left leg, and the character does not strip, until the desire will not be realized. Then, the pet removed and burned with gratitude.
The money in the bag
Sew a cloth bag of proper colors. This can be universal, white, gold, red, or green, of which you will have to love you.
Collect a handful of coins - the more, the better. It is desirable that at least in several different pieces of dignity. The coins are washed, it can be cleaned in any convenient way.
The money will be presented on a flat surface, choose, joy for them. Then a fold in the bag, the reading of the conspiracy: "the copeca to the copeca, denarium in denarium, fifty dollars to quinquaginta kopeck piece, the ruble the ruble, chervónetz a piece of aurum, all the court ". When everything collapsed — bag, tied and stored in the home, in a place where strangers won't see it.
Sometimes in this bag, add other components. The magnet for money earned. Cinnamon stick with the same purpose. Some special objects, which symbolize wealth and abundance.
It is important to note that, since this pet is confined to his home, and not to a particular owner, the work shall be precisely in the abundance, the wealth and the fate of those who live in the home as a whole family. If the family, as such, does not exist, and is alien to the people living under the same roof — work this wizard does not.
Irredeemable ticket
You need some magical way to get the ticket for the greatest value. This may be part of the first salary in a new place or in a new profession, the gift of a successful man, a mentor, or elders of the family, the prize in the lottery. Another way to grow by itself that coin: every day for a lunar month to defer increasing amounts (currently while in the ruble, but more than yesterday), in the new moon exchange accumulated in a large one-dollar bill, and the rest immediately spend it on something nice, gratum. Said ticket stored in a department of portfolio and not the drop in consumption.
The money from the tangle of
Appropriate or a coin or a banknote wrapped with wool green yarn, until it passes the peloton. In the process of liquidation of dream about wealth, abundance and fortune, the tangle of refrain from participating in the owner of the house. Is placed this pet above the entrance door of the inner part, but that others have not seen. If you want, you can make an amulet not only for the house, but also to the office — then the entire company will thrive. Regularly tangle needs to be recharged. To do this, in him is deposited the essential oil, the odor of which the owner is associated with money, wealth and abundance, and represent, the wealth that flows into the river.
In the urn in the ground he buries his coin, and the planting of the plant. This can be a coin, a tree, the cactus, geranium - what you want of what grows well in the home. Thinking it must be landing money of what they are going to grow. On the ground, it is necessary to take care, watering, fertilizing. Every time remember that these actions — a contribution to the future crop, on the well-being and wealth. The outsiders can see moneytree which is not the case with other pets. And I have here to speak of something that is not easy tips of the plant, it is not worth.
Horseshoe over the door
Above the door on the interior side secure a horseshoe horns upwards. When this say that it is the glass full, and the house now, also complete the vessel. To perform this ritual is needed in the rising of the moon, and in the lifetime of the house. In an ideal situation, in that day, when they received the money, to them is bought for the delicious food, pantries filled, and live in the house happy. The house really should be to complete the glass.
Small things
Sometimes found trinket works best, that you diligently done for the amulet. What is most important — this should be something that immediately attracted the gaze, dicitur himself. This beef keep in the wallet or carried as an ornament, and if the size is not allows you to act as well — placed in the workplace or in a corner of the house. Good in this as stones and shells, collected near the water. Sometimes you can find quattuor tang of clover, then you should dry it and paste in the decoration. A piece of birch bark is able to protect from thieves and debtors, to prevent the delay of wages. Some people like the chinese fenshuy of the currency. Such a trivial matter may be the toy of the help. Often, as such use figures of leprechaun or favorite small stuffed toys.