From the antiquity it is known that the signs and symbols attract energy, they can influence the events. The people have learned to enjoy it, changing your life for the better. Often, as amulets apply the charms of the kabbalah, which, according to the experts, focusing in itself the centuries-old wisdom of the jewish, arab, european, occultists and magicians.
Unlike amulets, talismans kabbalah do not necessarily need to be beautiful or fulfilled a few special materials, most importantly, to help. For the amulet had magical powers, each one of its sides must be made by all the canons of arcane art. According to the parapsychologist, these ancient marks (60) help in virtually any situation, you just have to learn to deal with them. For example, Kabbalistic amulets, will help you make the right decision, relationships with the boss and coworkers, to win in the lottery, protect against bad dreams and fears. Also in the power of the charms of the unity of the private life and fidelity in the family. Shall be protected on the road and the journey, protect you of the curses that will help you in the learning and in the business. It is necessary only to believe in their magical powers.
In the departments of the jewelry is sold on the mass of all kinds of pets. "It's just an ornament, an imitation of an ancient symbol", explains the parapsychologist. – Lucky charms of the kabbalah it is best to do it yourself. No matter what material: cardboard, clay, or metal. Main, very exactly to put the image. If you decide to make the relief to the other person on the reverse side don't forget to write your full name, the patronymic, the surname and date of birth."
In the manufacture of which use magical charms of the figure: the cross, the circle, the pentagram, the hexagram, as well as special characters and characters. The parapsychologist says that the pet can be worn on the neck, in the pocket or store in your home. "If you're afraid of cardboard under it to help lose, seal with tape," explains the parapsychologist. – In any case, the pet should not be used in a chain with an orthodox cross. In this case, none of amulets is not going to work. If you use them in different strings, it is convenient to make a shorter and the other longer so that the suspension does not touch".
Examples of artifacts amulets

Talisman of VENUS – the astrological sign, allows the obtaining of love, happiness in marriage, gives harmony and understanding. Protects women. The planet and the goddess venus to protect a beautiful soil of the plots and the intrigues, the diseases, and also give the beauty and attractiveness. Talisman, immersed in the drink of the enemy, it changes for a short time in the other "until the coffin board". Released (donated) welcome person excites the response of the feelings. "It was such a case, says the parapsychologist. – The husband has left the family. The pet not only returned, but also made a happy family. If before the man of the night was going with his friends to fish, now he spent all his time with his wife, literally, in their hands carried".FOR YOUR HEALTH:
Since ancient times, it was believed that the knowledge of the cross leads to the person to health and protects her from adversity. Egypt's esoteric tradition called the sign of life, a gift of the gods. The shape of the "cross of life" emits a frequency wave that is identical to the radiation of the healthy cells of the person. In this sense, and based on the use of the cross as an amulet, which you carry in the chest in the same way, as the christian cross. He gives longevity, health and a happy life. Gives the energy balance, eliminates the causes of diseases and fatigue. Another talisman – the Wand of hermes (mercury). As the cross of life, is concerned for the health and brings abundance.FOR GOOD LUCK:
There are different methods that help to attract to the awards, in order to improve the well-being. For example, with the help of the mascot, which is called the pentacle. To start manufacture it is necessary only on the full moon or growing moon. And the day of the week should be special – Wednesday. Keep in this occasion, with a piece of cardboard, gold, or green. If you have gold cardboard, to drawing of inscriptions and drawings in black you will need a pen or black marker. If the cardboard green – helium pen, with color fill gold. Illuminates in the time of the creation of the mascot of lucky gold or green candle. Burn a little incense of cinnamon, and already after to go into the matter. This talisman helps in games of chance, lotteries. You will be able to feel (or even listen to your suggestion: where and when to purchase a lottery ticket, the numbers to call, how to behave during the game. In kursk, there lives a man, I'm a player. Frequenter of casino addicted to slot machines. I decided to see for himself the action of the lucky mascot. And in a night, devastated vending of 12 thousand roubles.FOR THE STUDY:
There is a charm for the children, the talent and the success in learning. "To me it is targeted to the parents of a child," recalls elena devi. – The child had problems in school, not getting along well with her classmates, she was afraid to respond to the classes. We have made him the amulet, and after a while, everything would have finished. If before you bring home some of the troika, of the after – fours and fives. Yes, and with classmates had a relationship."FOR THE RACE:
There is a favorable sign of the relationship of strangers, bosses and co-workers. The pet easy to make: you do not have the small characters. "This story may seem plausible, however, all that was," says the parapsychologist. – I was approached by a woman who had serious problems at work. A colleague wove the intrigue, distributed to gossip. All for that, to take the place of my client. We have done the pet, and what you think? After a couple of weeks, but gave up. In addition, the director of the firm went to another place, and the woman appointed chief in his place."How to charge the pet

The loading happens in 2 stages. At the time of creation of the pet, that makes it incomprehensible to you of the line and the names, think about what you want to achieve, the passion you desire. The second phase of the load can be done in three different ways, choosing what you like.
1. Print finishing is necessary to dip it into the melted wax – it absorbs and stores the information. Then put in your left hand. With the tip of the fingers of the right hand taken in sense of the needles of the clock on the amulet and think about, to represent, for which it has established.
2. After the removal of impression wax, place it between the palms of the hands and brought them together in a center of the gesture. Enlargement of the fingers of the hands should rest on the heart of the area. In both cases, it is pronounced the incantation: "the eternal and infinite Spirit! With love I pray, with faith, I ask that you fill out this symbol of strength and energy!" The spell is pronounced three times.
3. On the moon, fill a glass of water for the moon's disk was reflected in its center. Fold and tape the big toe of a triangle (thumbs to form its base). Include the reflection of the moon in the frame of his fingers and in a period of 15 minutes, and repeat: "the power of the moon, protector of the magic! The power of the full moon – the power of the force! Full a magic triangle! Full magic triangle!" When your due time is running out, imagine that the reflection of the moon is no longer on the surface of the water, and in the triangle of your fingers. Try to look at this, and slowly move the "moon" to your pet, which should be close to the glass. Move triangle with your fingers to pet for exactly adapted at the triangle. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, is maintained in a second breath, to strive and exhale, mentally that transmits the accumulated energy of print. Repeat this step 12 times.
After the consecration of the pet no one, except the owner, must not touch. Better yet, if and see, too, no one is. For the pet he has won several times in a day you must touch with the hand and in 2-3 minutes to focus on your mission.
How to increase the relief?
Sometimes the pet does not work. Then the man "is not married" with amulet or not been found to he the right place. This thing must be done that you have only positive emotions. And should not be used for any other purpose. After the cover is selected, it is necessary to establish with him the energy of the communication, in a figurative sense, "to marry". To do this, place between two coals of white candles, become in him the face, the hands crossed on the chest, and three times gently, but firmly, say the following conspiracy: "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and the holy spirit. Protect this house and everyone in it, from the warlock and the witch, of gossip and " gossip girl, old women and men, from all evil of the person. Don't let you get in with bad intentions, envy, slander, and hexagonal. Let the strength of your protection are growing day-to-day, now and always and for ever and ever. Amen."
Now you must select apotropaic the most appropriate place. Must be hidden from prying eyes. This can be in your bedroom or in a cozy corner, where you feel comfortable. Next to the amulet must put the cross and the candle. Strengthen the protective action of the apotropaic help you to different magical charms, that bring happiness: the clover of four petals in the shape of a horseshoe, turquoise. In summer you can put near it, the flowers or a few sprigs of green.
And the last one. Remember that after they have been twinned with the amulet, you perceive your energy. Therefore, try to be kind, honest and wise. If you are by nature evil, false, impatient, or weak, it will be difficult to protect yourself from adversity.