Almost any person who wishes to be happy is the constant the axiom of our life. However, a state of happiness as individual and unique, that create a similar situation in the realities of our days is almost impossible, it is only possible to experience moments of happiness. These moments attract our life, it is very difficult to be successful can only be through the application of talismans and amulets of happiness.
The story of the emergence of talismans and amulets of happiness
Determine the exact moment in which appeared the first talismans and amulets of happiness, genuinely, can't do it. This kind of stuff used over the centuries, undergoing changes under the influence of time and different cultures.
The main theory is that these amulets have come down to us of the culture of the ancient druids. Exactly how were the talismans, it is not known, but since then, all the nuances of its creation were kept in strict confidentiality and were available to a limited number of people
The next step in the development of the delights of the happiness became in the flourishing of the roman empire, which is confirmed found artifacts of those times. From that moment, the amulets have suffered great changes in its external appearance, of which the main one was the application of the non-priest runes, Latin, characters, numbers, and letters.
These pets have a very wide spread in those times, that with confidence it demonstrates the fact that in them, what is important is not the form but the content that fills only the owner can. That is why it is so important to the care and maintained approach to the creation and the acquisition of symbols and amulets.
Magical properties, amulets and talismans
Talismans and amulets of happiness they have a number of unique characteristics, which must know each owner of a magical character.
All the characters of the happiness of the talismans and amulets are strictly of the period of validity: some of them have a single nature, and by the achievement of the goal of losing their properties. Others may serve you for a year or more, then it will require reactivation. Always pay attention to those moments and choose the pet according to its needs.
It's not worth navigating recognizes lucky charms: the human happiness, the concept is so individual and volatile that only you know what you need to embody it in life. Precisely for this reason, picking the same lucky charm, harness your inner feelings and emotions.
In the creation of talismans, to bring good luck, the appearance of the apotropaic pay very little attention to this question is almost completely left to your discretion and desire. It is much more important to properly load the amulet and fill with energy.
Before the own rite, you should carefully examine the information about applied on your amulet of characters: if you are not sure of their meaning or of the image, it selects another mode for the creation of the lucky mascot.
The smallest error in this type of things can bring negative consequences in the first place for you. Following all the tips, you will be able to create the most effective of the pet's individual happiness for himself.

The main symbols and talismans for luck
The question about happiness is ambiguous, as each person has their understanding of happiness. One needs the family to the sensation of the fullness of life, to the other an amount of money on the credit card, the third victory in the competition.
If you look at the origins of this question, it is evident one thing: the man needs to get something of life, to fill the soul with joy and happiness.
It turns out that it is not so difficult in reality! Because you can create talismans and amulets of happiness, which drive failure and will open the choice of the pathway for the achievement of what was intended!
Before you create an amulet, you must know the symbols that attract this is the most happiness in our life:
- The ring is a symbol of love and friendship.
- The fish — abundance.
- The bee — success in affairs.
- The acorn is the symbol of youth and love.
- The arm or the account of glass for protection against the evil eye.
- Quatrefoil clover — happy, the proportion of the wealth and the love.
- Horseshoe is a universal symbol of happiness and luck, the protection and patronage of evil.
Any of these items and characters can be kind of amulet or talisman of happiness. The main thing is to believe in its efficacy and give a special sense to the subject or drawn sign.
Talismans and amulets of happiness — the rules of manufacturing
Talisman or lucky charm you can buy in the store and make with their own hands.
Without a doubt, the greater strength you will have exactly the talisman or amulet, that is made with their own hands. After all, he initially sets up on you and charged only of your energy.
However, that possibility is not always present: some of the talismans and amulets of happiness must be created from a material that is in the manual handle is almost not possible: for example, stone or gold. Or you are not sure of their knowledge to the proper selection of symbols and signs.
In all these cases, it is easier and safer to go to an specialist that is manufactured especially for you desired amulet. The truth that subject later you will have to submit to a procedure of cleaning and activation to regulate bauble he could become an amulet.

List of the main rules and requirements
If you firm intention of producing the talisman of happiness in your hands, you must follow the following rules and requirements:
- In the first place, you must decide with the material, which can assemble the desired object is magical. If you have never worked in this sense, then, choose the things that you can easily handle: wood, paper, fabric or thread. Important to remember: the material must be exclusively of natural origin and being of the essence selected pet.
- If you want to pick the character that would bring him luck and will be represented in the talisman, please read carefully the information on their value and their possibilities of combination with other symbols. You can also refer to a connoisseur of people. Just so you can be assured of errors and bad consequences.
- If you to achieve absolute happiness in life it is necessary to arrange the private life, the focus on the talisman of venus: successfully represented the symbol of this planet helps you to recover the love or find a new hobby to achieve happiness in life.
- If in order to achieve full happiness I need a little bit of luck, stop your selection in the image pentacle. This ancient symbol which will bring success in any business, in which means and happiness.
More often the rites in the creation of the mascot of happiness are celebrated in the background of the rising moon, for its strength has been able to make in your life, harmony and tranquility. The day of the week will be chosen depending on what is the symbol that you have given preference: for example, if you made them the old pentacle, select the environment. And Thursday, the power of venus will be more palpable.
The amulet of the fate of their hands, cardboard
You can create your own amulets of happiness, that will change his fate in the direction that you want.
But it is worth to warn that the need to get rid of the negative influences that can be sent to you from the enemies.
To do this, you must clean your aura from a possible deterioration, evil eye or curse. And only after these steps can you begin to create talismans and amulets of happiness.
So, selecting the symbol, draw it on a sheet of construction paper to make their desires and faith in your application. Size of the sheet should be such, so that you can carry it always with you.
After a year's amulet loses its power, so you'll have to record with gratitude and disperse the ashes in the air. The time of the creation of the amulet should fall in the growing phase of the moon or the full moon.
Amulets and talismans from the lucky objects
This can be a new thing, acquired donated by you or a loved one. This may be old thing, with valuable for you. But he must be pre-cleaned of any information under a jet of water or over a candle burning.
Later you take the object in your hand, close your eyes and create in your mind the images. When the images will be crisp and bright, the effort of the will, pass to the topic. That is to say, the idea of filling the object and remain in it. You can at the same time give the verbal command of the images to attract something in life, or to zoom out of you fierce energy.
When you experience it within themselves, that the theme is saturated with images, and that clearly correspond to the word program, open the eyes. The amulet of the list. Keep out of reach of place, or always carry, and after a year the ritual should be repeated with the same object.
The same amulet, as any lucky charms, you can create a loved one.

Conspiracy in the knot of happiness
To make the knot of happiness, and to speak of him is capable of any person, even totally ignorant in the magical art, and the result is, however, is very effective. For your creation, you will need the following components:
- candle wax;
- a small cup,
- the pure water;
- square piece of the new matter.
The rite is necessary to spend the night, and the best thing about midnight.
The ritual is obligatory only, alone.
You must install a candle in a glass and the normal light of phosphorus from the new box.
As it burns, co in the flame and think about the things that make you happy.
Any negative thoughts must be pushed out of your head.
After that you mentally love, and begin to read the words of the conspiracy of happiness:
"The sea-ocean, the island of troublemaker, in the fact that the island is the mountain and on the mount of nora. And in the den of the seven devils that sit on people failure send. Until the child closed his eyes, for the queue to fire equidem. Until the fire of the and of their children, to me, won't see me devil with the brothers!".
After having read three times these words, let the candle burn until the end of the same. When the flame reaches the water and turns off, then you will need to collect the remains of the wax on a piece of fabric and knot knot.
When you select only the wax, which you like the most, the rest together with the water must go home and bury under any tree. A knot in the happiness it must bring bad luck, and the luck of the accompanying constantly, making life more easy and worry-free.
How to make a talisman of good luck
You must believe firmly in the efficacy of the rite and there is no doubt that the amulet of the happiness you bring, really. If you spend a similar ritual of idle curiosity, it is best to give up on him: the whole can be disastrous.
Ready the amulet, be sure to carry: can be worn as a pendant or keyring, or just put in the bag. The main thing is that always accompanied you. This amulet must periodically take in hand and address him with words of thanks or petition.