Everyone knows the words that there is always not enough money.
Some try to earn them with strenuous work, while others make a charm for good luck and money, which can effectively attract material wealth.
It is an excellent alternative to various magical rites and helps throughout life.
To do this, it is enough to correctly make an amulet to attract good luck with your own hands and charge it with your own energy, as well as constantly carry it with you.
Natural helpers to raise money
It is widely known among people that the most powerful amulet for money should be made with your own hands. Especially in those cases where he speaks with special words intended to achieve monetary wealth. Today, a rich variety of amulets can surprise anyone.
For example, everyone knows the money charms in the shape of trees. These include jerky, geranium, and cacti. With competent and affectionate care, they will surely reciprocate and attract money into the house. As they grow, prosperity will increase many times over.

But the real strength of plants is shared only when grown independently of a small shoot, which is recommended to take from a rich home.
How to make an amulet? The shoot should be planted in the first or second phase of the moon. It will help charge the young plant with growth energy and help attract cash savings.
For maximum effect, plant a money tree in a beautiful and expensive pot, placing 3 coins at the bottom, on the front of which is a number "5". Sprinkling soil on the plant, it should be said in a low voice:
"My beloved money, copper and gold, come close to my hands and wallets. Come every day of the week and hold onto my hands! Amen! "
Careful care will help accelerate the power of the magical effect: you should affectionately talk to the flower, often praise the plant and caress it. And it is useful to hang some beautiful ornaments on it. They will serve as a real bait to attract money and material wealth.
Collecting coins for fortune
Conventional wisdom says, "Money is always looking for money. "And there is a certain amount of truth here, which you should definitely use. And to make a truly effective amulet to attract money and material wealth with your own hands.
All you have to do is watch your feet well and carefully pick up the coins that passersby have dropped on the street.
But you need to be careful with the coins that are at the crossroads, as they are capable of carrying negative energy. Holding up a coin, you should say in a whisper: "Good luck! "To implement the plan, you need a handful of coins, the amount of which should be exactly 8 rubles.

Then you need to follow the magic algorithm:
- put coins in salted water for several hours to wash off someone else's energy debris;
- completely dry the trifle in the warm sun, charging with positive energy;
- sew a small bag made of natural fabric and put money in it;
- tie a bag with scarlet thread and go to the temple;
- endure the service and go home.
Returning from the temple, you need to spread a small change on the door of the house and leave it for exactly 3 days. During this time, you cannot clean, sweep, or mop the floors. And it is not recommended to let outsiders into the house.
At the end of the third day, you need to collect the coins and put them in a beautiful clay pot. It should be hidden in the southeast part of the house, out of sight. After a small amount of time, money talismans, amulets will begin to attract prosperity, money and prosperity to the house.
Making "Pialushka"
This interesting name hides an original money talisman or a DIY cash amulet for money. It is elementary to make a "Pialushki" model:
- take a blank sheet of white paper;
- carefully draw a circle with a diameter similar to that of a small bowl;
- place 2 saucers and candles around the edges of the sheet;
- Pour some consecrated water into the "bowl" with the words: "The bowl is full and my money is multiplying! "
Next, you need to toss small denomination coins in the circle, speaking the magic words of the conspiracy:
"I wish you wealth! I wish you success! " I wish you abundance, gold and happiness. Let money come into my life and stay forever, Amen! "
In total, 10 coins should be thrown into the circle and then wait until the candles are completely burned out. Then you need to put the change on the window and spray the house plants in a clockwise direction with the remaining water. If they are absent, do the same with the corners, starting from the entrance.
When the coins are dry, put them in a "bowl", carefully wrapping the edges of the sheet of paper. And then put it in the place where the money is kept.
Making a magic ball

In attracting money luck, money itself plays an important role. Another popular ritual is making a kind of magic ball on your own. Previously, it was worn as an amulet and was even worn around the neck.
The creation is based on banknotes of any denomination, the series of which repeats the date of birth or the initials of the person making the amulet with their own hands.
You should take the bill that you like the most, smoke it gently with a pipe and start wrapping it with a red thread of natural wool. With each turn of the thread, you need to imagine future wealth, where it will come from, and for what purposes you plan to spend most of the money.
The following conspiracy will help improve the magic effect:
"All the money is in the house, and the house is the throne! I sit on that throne and count my money! "
It is necessary to roll money in the form of a small sphere. It should be hung over the entrance to the living room with a red silk ribbon and occasionally sprinkled with essential oils of cinnamon or lemon.
Strong financial conspiracy
Another talisman, designed to attract money with their own hands, made, involves the use of a special conspiracy and a banknote of large denomination. The ritual is obligatory on Monday, at dawn, when everyone is still asleep and the sun's rays barely appear on the horizon.
It is necessary to light a paraffin candle (preferably green), and put a small mirror next to it, sticking a large denomination bill on it. A cup full of clean drinking water should be placed on top and, looking at the money, whisper in a whisper:
"Early in the morning I got up (got up), and all the merchants, goldsmiths and henchmen called (called). I showed them my respect, long patience and a strong desire that the money in the wallet multiply and the money in the pockets to multiply! Amen! "
After reading the text 9 times, you should drink half a glass and wash well with the rest of the water. It requires repeating the words of the lucky ritual throughout the week, and next Monday to bring any rescue to the crossroads.
The conspiracy money amulet should be carefully kept in a secluded corner of the wallet and never paid for with them. It will act as an immutable bill that attracts material wealth.
Draw runes

Since ancient times, magic runes have been used as an effective magic remedy on various occasions. But most often the runes are used as talismans and amulets to attract money and get rid of poverty. The rune "Fehu" is an illustrative example.
The intersection of their lines helps to get on the right path, avoid financial mistakes, attract luck, and make big profits and money.
Such a money amulet will help to preserve the collected savings and multiply them many times over. The rune is activated simply by applying it to a pen, work tools, wallet or safe. It will be useful to make this image on a phone or computer if direct work activity is related to them.
Directing the rune to attract money is simple - you need to constantly carry it with you and talk to it often. You are required to explain in detail what you want to get out of life and the goals you need to achieve.
Pronouncing several moments will help you tune in to the magic wave and not make stupid mistakes and financial losses.
We use folk tricks and wisdom.

A variety of charms for good luck and money are very effective, but you should do a little effort on your part. For example, use the following popular signs:
- money loves the account, but it is best to carry it out during the day or in the morning;
- you cannot remove coins from the piggy bank until it is full to the brim;
- it is not recommended to keep different currencies in one branch;
- you should not regret the money spent, you should spend money with a smile, then they will come back;
- sweeping the floor at home should be from the threshold, dragging luck into the house.
There is no need to be afraid of creating amulets and talismans to attract money, the power of which has been known to people for a long time. Each of them has unique abilities, with which you can get rid of poverty, earn money and get a stable financial position.
A variety of charms for attracting money are found on almost every second or third person. The strong belief in its action is due to millions of real-life experiences when the simplest-looking amulet helped to achieve wealth and success in life.
In fact, a lot in this case depends on the faith and positive energy of the one who made the amulet. If they abound, the money will surely find its owner.